Wednesday, May 27, 2015

4 Reasons Lollapalooza is a Good 1st Festival

Blogging has allowed me to express my passion for music and concerts-festivals in particular.
I decided to go into greater detail regarding Lollapalooza.
I think it’s necessary I clarify throughout my festival-hopping years, I’ve developed a favorite… and it’s not Lollapalooza.  My favorite is North Coast Musical Festival-but that doesn’t matter. 
It doesn’t matter because my objective doesn’t aim to target my top reasons behind my superlative preference.  I’m here to list my top reasons behind why I feel Lollapalooza is a positive primary choice for those deciding which festival to experience this summer. 
1. Their music relates to all people.
Whatever music genre you favor, Lollapalooza embraces all. 
I had the time of my life at Spring Awakening, but you won’t find much besides Electric Dance Music and DJs such as Tiesto and Knife Party.  Alternative festivals such as North Coast and Bonnaroo are additional events that hold equivalent variations of music, though Lollapalooza encompasses music for more than just the diverse genres of our generation… but the diverse genres of all generations. 
They have concerts for old rock, hip-hop, heavy metal, and more.  And I say old as in ‘old school’ type of music… as in even our elders would find motive to listen to those in the line-up of Lollapalooza.
It’s a good initial step for getting you accustomed to the constant vibrations from the stages and speakers surrounding you.  Even if you’re a die-hard lover of a specific genre, almost always people can find even a few opposing songs of differing genres they enjoy. 
There’s more to a festival than just listening to music.  People are here because they appreciate the beauty of music overall.  So I say if you’re a beginner, appreciate it all first-and then go from there.
2. Their atmosphere embodies all ages.
There’s something to be said for a festival you can even bring your kids.
And I say that because I’ve seen a lot when it comes to these events. 
No one can deny nor defend that much of these festivals denote an abundance of young adults severely intoxicated or on drugs.  There’s been an excessive amount of talk concerning the younger generation today and their influence on concerts, EDM concerts in particular.  The overwhelming truth holds that these concerts have been home to not only this generation’s alcohol abuse, but their abuse of drugs such as those like MDMA, Ecstasy, LSD, and more; enough statistics relaying the hospital expenses and even deaths of these young adults has been rampant and alarming.
So while I’d be lying if I claimed I’d yet to see such instances at Lollapalooza, I’m telling the truth when I say you won’t see this on nearly as many occasions, as opposed to many others.
You see children and adults of all ages, which is comforting for someone who is purely there for the music and not the dangerous means to partying. 
3. You’re surrounded by all styles of people.
To say certain festivals resemble certain bodies of people is an understatement.
It’s no stereotype that Spring Awakening is a festival of beads, flashy attire, and psychedelic souvenirs.  Young individuals embellish their bodies with beads all down their limbs and face and flamboyant, sometimes provocative, inappropriate clothing; they bring and buy tools such as colorful hula hoops and light up gloves in order to make a hallucinogenic experience for their fellow festival goers.
But not at Lollapalooza.  You see these people, though without such predominance. 
I find this so vital to a first experience as a result of my comparison to my own.  I evoke initially arriving at such a festival and feeling utterly out of place with everyone around me.  My friends were dressed correspondingly, but such a limited set of average dressed friends in a sea of such glitzy dressed individuals is intimidating. 
Avoid feeling unwelcome… especially if you’re just not one to typically dress that way.  There’s further concerts that suit your love for music while also suiting your style.
4. “Boxed water is better.”
This reads on Lollapalooza’s untraditional boxed water.
Less deep, more silly, but a reason nonetheless.
Lollapalooza remains a worthy beginner merely because of its interesting, unique features.
No more bottled water-they offer BOXED.  Sound outlandish?  Maybe so-but they’ve racked up exceptional business and production through their willingness to offer boxed water rather than bottled.
These boxes are essentially much more fulfilling than bottles, so when there the first day and growing irately cognizant of how hot and exhausted you are, you’ll be pleased to discover a set of water that suffices your needs.  Not to mention their attractive appearance that makes your experience seem that much more exceptional and unlike all the others.

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